Friday, December 10

What was your favorite thing about this class? What was your least favorite thing about this class? How can this class be improved?

My favorite thing about the class was the interactive blogging. This exercise gave me the much needed time I needed to compose my thoughts and write a detailed explanation on my understanding of the reading and covered concepts. It would be nice to allow posts in an increment of less than 12 hours, but the time limit was not too restricting. My least favorite thing was taking a timed quiz. I don’t know what it was about seeing the minutes tick away, but it made the process of online tests more stressful and tense. I don’t know what can be done about this, except maybe to add more time. In addition, it would be helpful to be able to see what questions were missed, along with the actual question. This would be helpful in making sure we understand the concept for further assignments, projects and for the midterm or final.

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