Friday, December 10

Pick one concept or idea from any point in the semester, or in Chapter 14, that you found useful or interesting.

I found the various concepts under the Appeals to Emotion both interesting and useful. I as mentioned before many of these concepts were familiar, both from previous conversations and from previous readings. There were many that I had encountered such as; appeal to fear, appeal to pity, and appeal to vanity, but others such as appeal to nature, appeal to spite and appeal to novelty that were less familiar. What was interesting however is that each of these was based on a psychological strategy to convince or coherence but affecting or altering a specific emotion. I would not be surprised if specific legal and advertising professions required their employees/students to take classes in this powerful form of reasoning. Besides subjective and objective claims, these appeals are some of the more common concepts that we can incorporate in our college writing. I will definitely continue to write with a more critical eye and now intend to use more of the concepts we studied in this class in my future classes.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your post because in mine I also mentioned appeal to emotions in chapter 11, about fallacies. I remember when we worked on the project about PETA and the fact that they use appeal to emotion to gain people's attention. I do agree that aside from the other fallacies, appeal to emotion is the most commonly used. After taking this course, I am finally aware whenever a campaign, an ad, or any form of media uses appeal to emotion, I will be able to recognize it and not believe directly. Before I wasn't aware and just believe a lot of the stuff they say. Not anymore.
