Tuesday, September 14

Exercise: Structure of Argument Analysis

#2: I’m on my way to class. (1)  I left 5 minutes late. (2) Traffic is heavy. (3) Therefore, I’ll be late for class. (4) So I might as well stop and get breakfast (5).
Argument? :  Yes
Conclusion:  I’m running late for class, so I’m going to stop and get breakfast.
The choice appears to be a combination of claim 4 and 5. Each claim is weak on its own, but combining them strengthens the statement providing a conclusion to the sequence of events presented.
Additional premises needed:  The premises seem to stand on their own, but if I was to add anything it would  be a connecting statement regarding the length or travel time of the typical commute to school.
Identify any subarguments:  Claims 1, 2, and 3 are independent and support conclusion.  Claims 2 and 3 are strong plausible statements regarding known factors for being late, while 1 implies direction and provides no direct support for tardiness.
Good argument:  All the premises are independent and 2 and 3 are factual. Claim 3 might be considered subjective and require more detail, however it adequately supports reasoning of conclusion.

I think this exercise was extremely helpful in dissecting an argument and identifying the key items for support. I intend to use these steps when working on upcoming projects.

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