Saturday, October 2

QuickTrim - Internet Advertising

There are many diet products being sold on the market and through the internet that are specifically endorsed by celebrities who are idolized by young women. These companies may choose to use these celebs because of their shapely figures and visible star status, masking the questionable safety of the product.

Kim and Chloe Kardashian’s QuickTrim website is filled with claims that promote the product: “Helps Burn Calories….Supports Energy Levels and Supercharges Workouts”. However, each claim is followed with an * indicator, which direct us to a disclaimer found near the bottom of the website. It states: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

It is not a secret that most of these diet elixirs have some pretty powerful stimulants, laxatives, and diuretics, along with a mixture of herbs (which are not regulated by the FDA), that produce quick, albeit unsafe, results.  In addition, the Federal government requires these companies to provide product label information that is truthful and not misleading, but few consumers will investigate this information. QuickTrim and others are counting on that fact that we will not research the side effects, because we are so focused on imagery and ‘supportive’ testimonials.

 In cases such as this we should suspend judgment until we can find out more about the consequences of using the product. We should question the credibility of the person endorsing the product and analyze their motives.  And we should apply related knowledge and exercise critical thinking to become  advocates of our own health.

1 comment:

  1. I like the example you used for advertisements seen on the internet. I see this advertisement a lot especially on the TV. Since Kim and Khole Kardashian are famous, many people believe these products do really work. In reality, I think the Kardashians are payed to endorse this product. People also might not read the labels and might not know the side effects of using this product. People should research more about the product in order to be informed about the reality of this product. Since the FDA has not evaluated the product, it makes me question if the product does really work.
