Friday, October 22

Discuss the usefulness of the first or second major course assignment

I would like to discuss the second major course assignment on Social Organizations. Our group chose the animal rights advocacy group – PETA. One of the reasons we selected this organization was because we wanted to learn more about the group’s stance, beyond the associated imagery of theatrical use of protest and controversial advertising. There were many examples of advertising in which PETA crosses the line of decency. For example in 2003 they designed several advertisements, one a publicly displayed banner, in which they tried to draw a correlation of inhumane acts by the using a side-by-side picture comparison of Holocaust prisoners in a concentration camp to chickens caged in a processing plant. As you can imagine, this advertisement drew numerous outrage from various Jewish organizations and defamation groups. In analyzing this ad it was important to be able to apply the appropriate concept discussed in Critical Thinking and describe the key indicators that were helpful in identifying the claim and relating it to the assigned artifact.

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