Saturday, November 20

Mission Critical Website

Since both of these websites originate from the same SJSU source I would have to say that both were helpful. However the main Mission Critical homepage offered more information and I liked how the concepts were broken down by categories, some of which we have read in class. Although we had already covered concepts such as: vagueness, ambiguity, premise, conclusion, validity and burden of proof, it was interesting to read the alternate definitions and use of the concepts. In addition, it appeared there were concepts not covered like: universal statements, but this was another term for the concept of general claims using “all” and “none”. There were some concepts that were unfamiliar such as: universal and non- universal syllogisms and a more familiar, but so far undiscussed concept of hasty generalizations – a fallacy that draws a conclusion (or assumption) about a population based on a sample that is not large enough. Example: I read where there have been no reported cases of HIV infection in Liberty Lake. The people of Liberty Lake must be free of the HIV virus. These examples as well as the exercises are always helpful, because they can clarify the concepts, give you detailed feedback for incorrect answers and give you a way to see how the concept is correctly used.


  1. Hey I like how you describe the mission critical website. I agree with you that it was very helpful. The website was also very organized. I also like how the concepts were broken down too by the categories. One of the many things I noticed was the many concepts our class covered and also other concepts we have not. This website helped me out the most on the concept at fallacies. Fallacies at first very confusing to understand but now I have a better understanding of it. I also like how they use easy example to understands and I also found the exercises to be very helpful as well.

  2. hey there, after reading your response, i also started to compare both of the websites that were provided. the mission critical website was way more detailed than the other one; it had a lot more detail like you mention. I enjoyed that a lot but i also liked how the other website had the activity at the end of the article to kinda guide and test to see if we had learned anything from the information provided. or even to serve as a quick practice example. i liked the way that the other website was built though, when i first opened the mission critical website i was a bit confused.
