Saturday, August 28

Introductory Post

Hello fellow Comm 41 bloggers:

My name is Bev and I am a (slightly older) returning college student majoring in Occupational Therapy. I am new to the blogging world having never blogged or created a personal website, but I am enjoying the challenge. My previous communication experience includes several college courses, but I currently utilize a majority of my creative communication skills working with Alzheimer’s and dementia patients.
Before returning to school, I counseled groups of University students regarding loans and personal money management, and found that understanding the subject matter alleviated most of my public speaking fears.
I have never taken an online class, but am looking forward to the interaction (plus it’s really convenient since I live in Sacramento). I bike when I get the chance (and the weather is nice), but mostly exercise because I have to…not because I want.  It usually takes me several minutes to respond to my niece’s cryptic text messages, but would like to become faster and more tech savvy.

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