Tuesday, August 31

Discussion Question #2 - Vague or Ambiguous Sentence

2). Use an example from everyday life: Describe a vague sentence or ambiguous sentence you have heard recently. Where did you hear this sentence? An advertisement? Was it a conversation with a friend? What qualified the sentence as vague or ambiguous?

While walking on campus the other day I overheard a conversation between two students. They were discussing their class schedules and how they went about selecting each class based on the specific instructor. As they spoke one student went on to say to the other, “I decided not to add that course, because I heard the homework was brutal”. I walked away wondering how the initial student and the one holding the conversation had come to that conclusion.

This statement is vague and subject to questioning. Who initially told the student that the homework was ‘brutal’? What is each student’s definition of brutal homework? What was each student’s schedule at the time of taking the course? What type of homework was required for this course? How does each student study or make time for homework? Did other students who were enrolled in the same course consider the homework to be ‘brutal’ as well? Were the students looking for an easier course or instructor?

Each student should provide detailed explanation on why they thought the homework was brutal.

Saturday, August 28

Introductory Post

Hello fellow Comm 41 bloggers:

My name is Bev and I am a (slightly older) returning college student majoring in Occupational Therapy. I am new to the blogging world having never blogged or created a personal website, but I am enjoying the challenge. My previous communication experience includes several college courses, but I currently utilize a majority of my creative communication skills working with Alzheimer’s and dementia patients.
Before returning to school, I counseled groups of University students regarding loans and personal money management, and found that understanding the subject matter alleviated most of my public speaking fears.
I have never taken an online class, but am looking forward to the interaction (plus it’s really convenient since I live in Sacramento). I bike when I get the chance (and the weather is nice), but mostly exercise because I have to…not because I want.  It usually takes me several minutes to respond to my niece’s cryptic text messages, but would like to become faster and more tech savvy.